Our Mission
Georgetown College’s mission is to provide a welcoming and challenging educational community, rooted in Christian love and service, that prepares students to make a positive difference in the world.
Our Strategic Plan
As we approach the 200th anniversary of Georgetown College in 2029, we are executing a strategic plan that includes input from administration, faculty, staff, and stakeholders to ensure the continued growth of the College. You can find an overview of GC's strategic plan here.
Christian Identity Statement
Built on a Baptist foundation, Georgetown College pursues and cultivates a knowledge of and commitment to the Christian faith. Faculty, staff, and students are called to embrace their role in our community, characterized by God’s redemptive grace for all people and traditions. Georgetown College promotes excellence to discover the truth about ourselves, our world, and God through the integration of mind, body, and spirit. Committed to faith in God, the College encourages all to discern their mission and vocation to lead active and productive lives as exemplified in the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Non-Discrimination Statement
As a Christian institution, Georgetown College builds community through admissions, hiring, and promotion policies based on merit, qualification, and character. As a matter of policy and in compliance with state and federal laws, Georgetown College operates on the principle of non-discrimination. Georgetown College does not discriminate, either in the admission of students, hiring and promotion of employees, or in the administration of any educational policies, programs, or activities based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, age, disability or veteran status. Because the College is primarily residential, Georgetown College reserves the right to restrict admissions to undergraduate programs based on sex due to limitations in the availability of campus housing, if necessary. The College may use religion as a factor in making faculty employment decisions and in Board of Trustees appointments. This policy complies with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Inquiries or concerns should be directed to the Human Resources or Title IX at 502.863.8000.